Thursday, 22 August 2019

Bravery House Freebie

I hope everyone is having a great summer.  Here in Canada the kids are looking forward to going back to school in September-or is that just the parents?  With just a little more than a week of summer holidays to go I'm thankful I only have to worry about one kid right now-my son Marc who is off to teacher's college.  This will be a challenge as he tore his knee up and is about to have surgery and will not be able to drive or put any weight on his leg for a couple weeks.  Thankfully TAXI Mom will help him out driving him to class.

Speaking of school I figured I'd share a school themed freebie from my favorite school and favorite house.  If you haven't seen these Wizarding School Kits here they are.

Here are a few layouts I've created using these kits.  

What house do you belong to?  I'm a huge Harry Potter Fan and my home office is my Harry Potter Gallery, it is also the spare room.  I'll share a picture with you in the near future of where I work.  Need to tidy it up a bit.  While I'm working on that please enjoy today's freebie.

Download HERE

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